There comes a time in everyone’s life where one gets busy and things get a little chaotic, whether it’s starting a new job, trouble with your current job, relationship problems, school is overwhelming, many other things that life can get a hold of.

During February, while everyone’s focus on Valentine’s day may be on their significant other, it can also be about the ones that hold a special place in your heart. Here are ways to show your family and friends that they are loved and special in this season of love.

Act of Kindness

While this doesn’t come in the form of what a Valentine’s gift “normally” looks like, showing your love for your family members through acts of kindness is the most meaningful gifts one can receive. 

This can be done by making a special dinner for your family, preparing or take-out, your family will surely appreciate the thought and planning that went into creating the dinner. 

Doing daily chores around the house for your family member without them asking, goes a long way, especially when it’s least expected. After doing this once, it will help in making it a routine for your family to help one another out around the house.

Acts of kindness can come down to even the simplest of things, this goes for friends as well. 

Sending a loving/encouraging text to a friend may be just what they need to help them get through their day. Letting them know that you’re thinking of them is probably the smallest way to show someone that you care and makes them feel special. 

Taking the time out of your day to choose kindness will always make this season of love a lot more enjoyable for those around you!


A way to show family and friends that they are special to you is by giving gifts. It doesn’t have to be the most extravagant gifts, it can range from a gift card to a handwritten letter or even some sweet treats. 

If you’re walking around a store and find a little snack or drink that reminds you of your friend or family member, buy it and bring it to them!

If you’re not a communicator in showing someone you love that they are special to you, our very own Priscilla Rodriguez says to “try surprising them with small items that will help them throughout the day or that will just make them smile”.  Again, it’s the little things that can go a long way!



Quality time

Affordable ways to show your family and friends this season that they are special.

  • Movie night: Setting up a movie night in your home, get some salty and sweet snacks,
  • Put on a movie the whole family can enjoy and enjoy each other’s company on this night in!
  • DIY picnic: Picnics are a fun way to bring the whole friend group together while enjoying time outside! Making it fun for everyone, you could have each friend make their own plate/drinks of choice for everyone to enjoy.
  • Baking night: For the baking lovers, bringing friends and family together for a night of baking is always a fun way to enjoy quality time together,
  • You can even make it into a fun contest.
  • Game night: Who doesn’t love a game night? Have your friends and family bring their favorite card or board games for a night of friendly competition,
  • You can bring some treats to enjoy throughout the night!

Quality time comes in forms, showing those around you they mean a lot to you by:

Giving them your time will make this Valentine’s season enjoyable for those in relationships and who are not.

Valentine’s day is focused on significant others:

Don’t forget showing the ones around you they are loved and cherished for being in your life, this is very important.

Acts of kindness, gift-giving, and spending quality time together are ways you can show people they are valued this season. 

Ways to show those that you love how special they are to you:

Check our website that shares dozens of free resources and blogs focused on expressing yourself!

Begin Online Individual Therapy in San Antonio, TX

Starting with a therapist for individual counseling is convenient. You can schedule online through our client portal.

If you plan to use your insurance plan, please note that only a few clinicians accept limited insurance plans for couples therapy. You can give our office a call at 210-706-0392 and our intake coordinator can answer any questions you may have. If your insurance is accepted, we will get you scheduled and gather your information to get you started.

What we need from you

To get scheduled for online individual counseling, the following from you will be needed, your full name, email address, and phone number. If you have any questions please reach out to our intake coordinator.

We do require you to make a $40 deposit to hold your intake session. This deposit goes toward your first session’s payment.

What to expect between scheduling and your session

After you schedule, you will receive a link to your secured client portal. You will have documents to sign and to be completed 24 hours before your intake session. This allows for your intake session to focus on your presenting issue.

Ten minutes before your session starts, you will receive a secured link for your upcoming video call in your portal. You can use this link to join in on your online therapy session.

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Want to say “thank you”?

Jeralyn Rodriguez

Jeralyn is currently an intern at Modern Wellness Counseling and is in her second year at UTSA. Her classification is a junior and she is studying Psychology. With this opportunity she hopes to learn more about what it means to work in mental health practice and to help clients just like you.

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