Have you ever felt disconnected from your partner? Have you wondered how to reconnect with your partner? Have you ever felt like you thought you knew something so simple about your partner, but then learn that they are no longer interested in something that they once were? ​
As humans, we are evolving and changing and that is not a bad thing. But, when it comes to a relationship and we do not update each other on these changes, it can eventually lead to both partners feeling disconnected.
​Often leading to questions that instill doubt in your relationship:

I thought I knew my partner?

If I don’t know this, what else am I missing?

What else has changed in my relationship?

How to reconnect with your partner

Fortunately for you, it is possible to rekindle the passion you are longing for and to be on the same page with your partner. Depending on what is going on, it can sometimes take time to find your way back to one another and this is okay.
Download my free relationship workbook that is geared towards updating your Love Maps and an activity that will help you reconnect with your partner.

If you have further questions about this, feel free to contact me. Enjoy!

By: Priscilla Rodriguez, LMFT
A relationship therapist in San Antonio, TX who specializes in working with couples who are looking towards enhancing their relationship and with individuals who are want to create healthy relationships.

Want to say “thank you”?

Priscilla Rodriguez, M.S., LMFT (she/her/hers)

Priscilla is the owner and founder of Modern Wellness Counseling and is passionate about helping people learn how to implement healthy relationship skills and learn how to take care of their mental wellbeing.

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