With February being a month big on love, intimacy is a topic that can be brought up a lot. Intimacy is a very important part of a relationship, as it forms a basis for connection and communication. Sometimes we may feel that our schedules and family lives may get in the way of our relationships and intimacy is not necessarily a priority anymore. While this is very understandable with our busy lives, it is important to always come back to enjoying intimacy in your relationship to keep the romance alive. Learn more about 4 ways to spice up your relationship and how to bring back that spark!
1. Increase interactions of physical touch
While we all have our main love language we enjoy experiencing, if you know that your partner enjoys physical touch, try to incorporate it into your daily routines. Here are a few ways to increase physical touch more frequently.
- Hold hands more often
- Give them a hug or a kiss each morning before starting the day
- Getting a little closer during family time
While these seem simple incorporating in your relationship, it is easy for them to be forgotten about, especially with having a busy schedule. Increasing physical touch in even these small actions increases the hormones we experience during physical intimacy, so they are a perfect way to spice things up and bring that spark back.

2. Make time for your conversations with your partner
Whether it be going on a date, making dinner together, or sitting down having a deep emotional conversation, it is important to make time for your partner and a great way to increase intimacy. Its hard to engage in intimacy in relationships where one feels they are not being heard, so prioritizing time and conversations with your partner is a must.
Try to set a time that works best for y’all, and stay consistent with it. Setting a time you both know you are prioritizing the relationship, it gives you something to look forward to in the relationship and allows your partner to feel more appreciated by you. Visit our online mini courses to learn more about relationship skills to incorporate into your relationship.
3. Express gratitude based on your partner’s love language
The love languages are common topics of relationships, they are so important in understanding how your partner loves and how they want to be shown love.
Increasing physical touch was huge. Ways of expressing gratitude based on your partner’s preferred love language, including words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts.
Gift them something that reminds you of them. This makes someone with the main love language of receiving gifts feel they are wanted by their partner.
- Go on dates more frequently. Quality time is simple in relationships, but taken for granted.
- Express your appreciation. Someone with “words of affirmation” love language appreciates hearing they’re loved by their partner.
- Make things a little easier around the house for your partner with an “acts of service” love language. Whether it be mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, or making breakfast, these are all great to show acts of service.

4. Change up your routine
It is very easy to fall into a normal routine in your relationship. This can make it more difficult to feel any intimacy or closeness, because you have become used to sticking to the same tasks each day. A great way to increase intimacy in your relationship would be to switch things up and make life more interesting.
- Schedule a date for the week. Taking time to do something outside of the normal routine can help your partner feel wanted and help increase intimacy.
- Switch up the daily tasks. Perhaps you’re used to making breakfast or doing a task around the house. Allow your partner to help with those tasks and switch up who does them usually. This is a great way to involve each other and pay more attention to your relationship as well.