According to leading relationship researcher John Gottman, finding ways to express intentional appreciation towards your partner is a way to implement a positive interaction with your partner and one simple and free way to make your relationship strong.

You can engage in this positive interaction by giving compliments to your partner. Compliments go further than just commenting on someone’s hair, they can be a fun way to flirt with your partner, acknowledge their efforts, and even increase communication. Do you give your partner compliments? Have you had trouble on what to compliment your partner on or what to say? Here are some you can try today!

Modern Wellness Counseling Texas Do You Give Your Partner Compliments


1. Compliment their outfit.

  • Point out how you love the way they look in what they are wearing. This shows your partner that you are still checking them out and notice if they look nice.
    • Examples can be:
      • You look sexy.
      • Your makeup looks great.
      • I like that dress on you.
      • I like the way that shirt fits you.

2. Compliment something, they did well.

  • This could be related to their job, how they handled an argument, how they cleaned something well, or how they managed their time for the day.
  • This feeds into you noticing their efforts and what they are doing. Sometimes we can get caught in not noticing small efforts, and I often hear the saying that “actions speak louder than words.” This is a great way to comment on those efforts and actions.
    • Examples can be:
      • Wow, you did a great job today juggling everything.
      • You handled that project very well.
      • I noticed you took care of the dishes and laundry, thank you.
      • You are so good at listening to me vent. ​

3. Compliment their character.

  • We are obviously more than just what we wear and do but a huge part of us is how we think and what we believe in. Compliment how you enjoy your partner always striving to learn something new, their commitment to something they value, how they are responsible.
    • Examples can be:
      • I can always count on you.
      • You were so brave in pushing through that challenge.
      • I really appreciate how efficient you are.
      • You help me be calm.

4. Compliment something you admire about your partner.

  • This can be anything from a physical trait to something they do not even realize they do. I like to think that is something that makes your relationship unique when you think about your connection.
    • Examples can be:
      • I love how your nose crinkles when you laugh.
      • I love that you make me feel safe when you hold me.
      • I admire your commitment to always making celebrations special.
      • You always know how to make me laugh. ​

Modern Wellness Counseling Texas Compliment Your Partner Admire Them

Compliments can be small or grand. It really is what you make of it. The point here is to find ways to increase communication by utilizing compliments as a tool to express to your partner that you notice and appreciate them. Whether it is something they are doing for you or themselves.

Remember how this small act can lead to positive interactions in your day to day. Have fun giving your partner compliments!

Begin Online Couples Therapy in San Antonio, TX

Getting Scheduled

Getting started with a therapist for couples counseling is easy and convenient. You can schedule online through our client portal.

If you are planning to use your insurance, please note that only a few clinicians accept limited insurance plans for couples therapy. You can give our office a call at 210-706-0392 and our intake coordinator can answer any questions you may have. If your insurance is accepted, she can get you scheduled and gather the needed insurance information.

What we need from you

In order to get scheduled for online couples counseling, we will need the following from you (whether you schedule online or by phone): your full name, email address, and phone number.

We do require you to make a $40 deposit to hold your intake session. This deposit goes toward your first session’s payment.

What to expect between scheduling and your session

After you get scheduled, you will receive a link to your secured client portal. You will have documents to sign and complete 24 hours before your intake session. This allows for your intake session to be focused on your presenting issue.

Ten minutes before your session, you will receive a secured link for your video call. You can use this link to join in on your online therapy session.

Other Therapy & Counseling Services at Modern Wellness Counseling

In addition to online couples counseling, learn more about our range of therapy and counseling services including premarital counseling, Online Therapy for Anxiety, and individual counseling, to help you thrive in relationships and life!

By Priscilla Rodriguez, M.S., LMFT, Owner of Modern Wellness Counseling

Priscilla specializes in working with couples and helping them learn ways to maintain their connection with each other. Priscilla utilizes research-based techniques to help couples maintain healthy and happy relationships. Learn more on how you can enhance your relationship today.

Want to say “thank you”?

Priscilla Rodriguez, M.S., LMFT (she/her/hers)

Priscilla is the owner and founder of Modern Wellness Counseling and is passionate about helping people learn how to implement healthy relationship skills and learn how to take care of their mental wellbeing.

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